Roasted root veggies/crisp autumn air creeping in/mauve lips, brown tights, clogs
Oh hey! Whipped up that haiku about fallish things I love just for you! You know what I don't love, though?
Giant spiders hanging from everything.
Also, I guess I'm supposed to stop wearing my white loafers now, so that's a bummer.
One of my yoga teachers used to always talk about fall as the windy season--a time of feeling unbalanced and erratic. Plus I think Mercury is in retrograde, whatever the h*ck that means, so you should honestly just get in a nice grounding child's pose and stay there until I tell you it's safe to come out, k? (*might not be a bad position to be in if we get bombed by North Korea either*)
Since it's almost time to rotate my summer wardrobe out, I'm getting in a couple of my favorite summery pieces this week. Starting with this mid-century house print dress. I got this 3 (or 4?!) summers ago from Hello Holiday back when you parked in front of a nondescript building and texted someone to come out with your goods. As cute as their storefront is now, I kind of liked the novelty of this arrangement bc it felt like a speakeasy for cute dresses.
Every time I wear this dress, at least one stranger will start a conversation with me about it. Usually the conversation revolves around "The Brady Brunch" house, though the color palate reminds me more of the pastel dreaminess of the neighborhood in "Edward Scissorhands".
I wanted to capture the feeling of waiting for your Lyft ride here.
Alice in Wonderland shoeeeezzzz
We need to talk about these glitter shoes! I bought these to go with a dress I'm wearing to a wedding next weekend, but I couldn't resist trying them out. I adore B.A.I.T shoes bc they're vintage inspired AND vegan! You can get them in any color of the rainbow and there are a ton of styles. Downsides---they aren't the most comfortable and they get worn somewhat easily. Not an every day shoe.
Okay--onto the PANTS!
Say whhaaaat?! I used to never wear pants--but this summer I stumbled across an amazing pair of vintage polyester pants that fit like a dream, and I ended up buying a couple more pairs of them on the Whurl app.
Pants: Not Your Sweetheart Vintage via Whurl//Shirt: Thrifted//Shoes: Hello Holiday, old//Purse: Scout Dry Goods and Trade
Last week I said I was going to show you some pink furry heels--I just didn't get around to photographing them! BUT--they will definitely make an appearance in my Vegas wedding wardrobe next week!
I hope you're enjoying this transitional time of year and co-existing peacefully with the massive arachnids attached to your home. <3